all marijuana reviews BushDoc review


BushDoc Ranking

Rating: 3.5 out of 5

Review by bushdoc -

Purchased :

Global Chillage

shop profile Kerkstraat 51


Jul 9, 2003


Indica-Sativa hybrid.


Broad leafed, very light green, light and "airy" in density. It is seriously crystal covered outside and in. The light orange hairs are spread throughout and as you prepare a spliff, heaps of the white powder falls all over your rolling surface, so skin up on a tray! As it is quite "fluffy" weed, it breaks up quite easily inna soft manner.


It smells a bit like flower pollen; very fresh and strong. Whenever I smell an herb like this, my brain knows that my body is in for a wild ride! So, let's get it on�.


Wow, on the first hit off the vapouriser, the flav is spectacular. Fresh and sweet, it really isn't too bubblegummy/fruity but more of a candy-sugar taste. Whatever it is, you are reaching for another toke just to have it grace your tastebuds again!


While you are reaching for that second round, you are hit both mentally and physically; there is really nothing you can do but sit back and let your body slouch into the sofa and your eyes lead you in a visual daze! You feel kinda out of it, and you forget a lotta shit quickly. Then you feel like movin� around a bit but you feel really clumsy, so you sit down again. This continues until your mate shows up at the door and asks why you never met him at the park!!! Oh-oh, ja!


This was a pleasant surprise. I like going into the Global Chillage to trip on the beautiful mural art sometimes and this weed has you really tweakin� on the depth of the GC wall! A really nice sample for a top summer day�

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