3 Ways to Utilize CBD to Improve Your Well-Being

Let’s face it: being a modern-day human can be exhausting. Our ancestors may have been faced with tasks like hunting and gathering, building shelters, and fending off prey, but we’ve got a million more things to worry about.


Between balancing work and social life, worrying about things like climate change and national security, and being connected to a constant influx of far too much information, we’ve got a lot on our plate. It’s no wonder the self-care industry was valued at over $450 billion in 2020.


If you’re looking to boost your well-being (and we’re willing to bet you are), you’ve probably come across CBD. Never heard of it? Here’s the lowdown on this wonder-compound. CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a compound found in sativa strains of the cannabis plant. It’s one of the two main compounds in a cannabis plant. The other you’re probably more familiar with: 9-tetrahydrocannabinol, also known as THC. While THC has psychoactive effects, meaning it will get you high, CBD is entirely non-psychoactive. CBD will not get you high.


What CBD can do, on the other hand, is pretty amazing. CBD can impart a feeling of calm or relaxation among users. It can help manage symptoms of anxiety. It can help with both musculoskeletal and nerve pain. It can even help with glaucoma and seizures. And really, couldn’t we all use a little help?


Here are some of our favorite ways to utilize CBD to improve your everyday well-being.


Improve Your Sleep with CBD Supplements

Is there anything quite like a good night of sleep? A good night’s rest keeps you healthy and alert. It can help improve your mood, your memory, your dexterity, and more. Unfortunately, a good night’s sleep can also be hard to achieve. Things like anxiety and stress can quickly interrupt your sleep routine. And as you age, the quality of your sleep can start to decline.

Fear not! CBD can help. Incorporating CBD into your nighttime routine is one of our favorite ways to introduce newbies to this amazing compound. Just a small amount of CBD before bed can impart a feeling of calm and can help you fall asleep faster. When combined with melatonin, a nighttime CBD supplement can help you sleep better, too. Check out CBDfx’s CBD Gummies for Sleep with added Melatonin. They’re vegan and made with only nine ingredients, so you can feel good about what you’re putting into your body.


Soothe Aches and Pains with CBD Lotion

Has your workout recovery left your muscles feeling sore? Rather than popping a painkiller, why not slather on a CBD salve? Topical application of CBD has been shown to soothe sore and aching muscles to bring you sweet relief. We recommend Pachamama’s Pain Cream, with 850 mg of broad-spectrum CBD, this salve packs a punch. It’s combined with menthol and capsaicin, for an all-natural icy-hot effect. Your muscles will thank you.


Fight Signs of Aging with CBD Serums

Body image plays a huge part in our well-being. We all want to look in the mirror and love what we see, but the sad truth is that most of us don’t. Signs of aging can be a huge source of body image issues for adults. As we age, free radicals in the environment break down our collagen, leaving us with fine lines, wrinkles, and more.

If signs of aging are leaving you feeling less-than-stellar, CBD can help. Studies show that CBD is an extremely powerful antioxidant--potentially more powerful than the leading antioxidant vitamins C and E. It can help destroy collagen-busting free-radicals and keep your skin firm and, dare we say, youthful. TribeTokes makes a killer CBD, Vitamin C, and Ferulic Acid Super Serum. It helps brighten and regenerate your skin with plant-based ingredients. Combat uneven skin tone, dark sports, sun damage, redness, wrinkles, and more with this TribeBeauty serum

These are some of our favorite ways to utilize CBD, but its benefits don’t stop there. When it comes to CBD and your well-being, these three utilizations are just the tip of the iceberg. That’s why we’re in love with this amazing compound!



