How Are THC And CBD Products Different From Each Other? Find Out Here

If you’re keeping up with the current growth in the cannabis industry, you’re probably wondering about your different options. These options include the two main compounds in the Cannabis genus, THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, and CBD, or cannabidiol.

While legal hemp must have at least 0.3% or 0.2% THC, CBD is extracted from cannabis or hemp which comes from the Sativa cannabis plant. It’s sold as oils, gels, extracts, gummies, and supplements. THC, however, is the psychoactive compound that causes a high sensation. It’s consumed through smoking, edibles, oils, capsules, and tinctures. The two compounds interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, however, each causes different effects. This article explains the main differences between the THC and CBD compounds.


Psychoactive Components

THC and CBD do not have the same psychoactive effects, although both have a very similar chemical structure. CBD is the compound that helps with depression, anxiety, and seizures, it’s considered psychoactive, but it doesn’t act the same way as THC does and it doesn’t cause a high sensation like the one many would associate with THC. THC, on the other hand, gives a feeling of euphoria and induces a high feeling that may be considered unwanted by many CBD users. It binds with our brains’ cannabinoid 1 receptors or CB1. while CBD may bind weakly or not bind at all to the CB1 receptors. In most cases, CBD needs THC to bind to the CB1 receptors, in this case, it reduces THC’s unwanted feelings of sedation.


Side Effects

Both THC and CBD are known to have very few side effects. CBD usually does not cause any side effects at all, while THC can induce a few short-term side effects to people who regularly use it. Users can safely consume delta 8 gummies, worms, oils, beers, and other CBD and delta-8 products without sustaining any serious side effects. However, heavy THC users can experience anything from red eyes, dry mouth, feelings of being high, slower response times, memory issues, increased heart rate, coordination issues, and some adverse psychiatric effects for younger teens who use cannabis frequently.



While cannabis is still considered a Schedule 1 drug under federal law, the laws around cannabis and marijuana use are evolving quickly in the United States. CBD is classified as a Schedule 1 drug according to the FDA and DEA, while Hemp was removed from the Controlled Substances Act. Yet, more than 33 states made the medical use of cannabis with relatively high THC levels legal. In addition to many other states that legalized the recreational use of THC and cannabis.


The cannabis industry is growing exponentially for many reasons. One of these reasons can be the awareness directed toward CBD as part of the marijuana plant, instead of just judging it based on the negative effects of THC. Many users are drawn to CBD now, and big manufacturers are putting all their efforts into marketing their different cannabis products such as oils, gummies, drops, and weed beverages. Knowing the difference between CBD and THC will help you discover the many benefits offered by CBD products including anxiety relief and pain relief. disclaimer: takes pride in featuring high quality articles to its readers, however does not assume liability for the claims and medical facts presented by the author. Please check with your doctor or medical practitioner, before consuming any products containing CBD, THC, herbs and Smart Products, or any other products recommended here. Make sure to always check for advised dosages, and please keep all THC and CBD products (including vapes, flowers, oils, concentrates or edibles) away from children, animals and any persons who may not desire to consume them. Make sure to clearly mark all products with warnings about the contents, and store all products in locked, child-proof containers, to avoid accidental ingestion. Please check your own country's laws regarding CBD and THC, and make sure shipping is allowed. content is always created in countries where cannabis products are legal, for medicinal and/or for recreational uses. Smokers Guide does not encourage the use of cannabis in countries where its consumption is illegal.