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When Nature Calls

Keizersgracht 508

Review and Rating by bushdoc

review created on : 17 Apr 14
Smart Drug Menu
  • 7.5
  • 7.5
Instruction / Staff
  • 7.5
  • 9.0
  • 7.0
Recommend it to others?
  • 9.0

Take Away Magic Truffles

Top spot to visit on the way to out for a good party! Havent taken truffles for a bit but we were on our way to a party near the Lplein and we decided to drop in. Tiny place, and with not so many things on offer as some of the other shops I got to. That said, this place is beautiful, like a gallery or museum showroom. The guy at the counter was cool. It was packed with some Italians who were asking about the legality and stuff. THe guy answered them wirh some good points about the tolerance in Holland and how we can't let them take it away. thumbs up.

we got a deal on 5 boxes (not sure if this is standard, or cos we were local) and we were flying!!!!! good shit, will be back for some not so trippy stuff, like the stimulants and herbs they got/

4 people like this

review created on : 17 Apr 14

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member since : 14 Dec 2001
from : Amsterdam Netherlands
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