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N.Z. Voorburgwal 59

Review and Rating by andrewpyrah

review created on : 12 Oct 11
  • 6.0
marijuana menu
  • 5.0
customer service
  • 5.0

Tourist hangout

The huge green lit building grabs your attention as you walk from Centraal Station down the Damrak. A coffeeshop, bar, restaurant and steakhouse all in one building. Seems to be designed for tourists.
Marijuana menu: Both the quality and price was a bit dissappointing. The selection is ok but they are definitely a tourist coffeeshop. Ok if you want a smoke and drink or a meal but not a great coffeeshop by itself.
Service & staff: The service is ok. While the budtender wasn\'t that knowledgeable the bar staff are very friendly.
Summary : Tourist hangout. Friendly but expensive. The terrace out front is a nice place to sit have a smoke and a drink though.

2 people like this

review created on : 12 Oct 11

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member since : 03 Oct 2011
from : Amsterdam Netherlands
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