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Abraxas Coffeshop

Jonge Roelensteeg 12-14

Review and Rating by GreekDoc

review created on : 07 Dec 02
  • 5.0
marijuana menu
  • 3.0
customer service
  • 3.0

One time I was really stoned and wanted to play backgammon

Nice spatious seating. The grow room showcase was taped up, so we didn't get to see any plants. Music was way too loud and bothering. The glass floor on the 1st floor has become opaque :(
Marijuana menu: Expensive ! Special Abraxas : The worst hash of the trip, only made us sleepy, threw almost half of the gram away. Creme de Maroc : Not very spectacular for its price range. Caramello : Nothing special either, rather weak with no special flavor.
Service & staff: Really depends on who serves you. One time the Brit girl was friendly, other times the Dutch girl there was rude and both Dutch dealers seemed discontent to be bothered !
Summary : One time I was really stoned and wanted to play backgammon. So I went and took a look at their boards, when the dealer starts shouting at me, what I was doing and that I should have asked him for a board and that I needed to deposit an ID or BANK CARD to ????????? ?????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????W?? ????????????????? ??�????????????????????????????Item???Count?????????

2 people like this

review created on : 07 Dec 02

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