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Grey Area

Oude Leliestraat 2

Review and Rating by bobby_knucklz

review created on : 13 Nov 02
  • 7.5
marijuana menu
  • 10.0
customer service
  • 10.0

Just go in, buy some nice gear and head onto to another coffee shop

These guys have basically just stuck random stickers in random places. I wouldn't call it decor. A bit touristy and your lucky if you get a seat!! The vibe feels a bit like "i don't give a sh*it about anything" kinda thing!!!
Marijuana menu: Some of the best weed around and a very varied menu. Last time i went they were selling pure pollen, really nice and very rare!! Oh yeah and by the way this is were "bubbles gum" originates from!
Service & staff: Didn't really get talking! But the bald guy is a bit of a bitch!!!
Summary : Just go in, buy some nice gear and head onto to another coffee shop!

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review created on : 13 Nov 02

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