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Coco's Outback

Thorbeckeplein 8-12

Review and Rating by ojosrojos

review created on : 17 May 13
Comfort Factor
  • 9.0
  • 8.0
Extra Services
  • 8.0
Would you return / puchase again?
  • 9.0
Recommend it to others?
  • 9.0

Cocos for grub and girlz!

I go here a bit when i am in town. This time i was there to watch some rugby with friends who live in the Dam and we had some crazy-ass night last time! They got mad flatscreens to watch sports, had multiple games on and the bar is so huge, it may the biggest in the whole dam city! lol'

In the ol days, I regularly went here to get the free deal they offer in smokers guide book. I always lit up my joints in peace but this time i was told to go outside. :( When i got outside to tterrace, the guy came to me and asked to move away from the tables. Fo real dude? SO shit to not make troubles for nobody, i just left my drinks and walked over to  smoke my fat joint at the Bushdocter (see my reviews) and then big and red came back stinkin like that crazy Kush. when i got back the rugby ws over and the place was like in club mode. ANd goddam, there were some FINE little freaks, like i think both tourists and local students. I dont know but we were all dancing drinking and playing pool for like all night, i guees to 4am or something? I was so f*kd up, that i had to go out and get fresh air in the plaza! LMFAO, the place canget nuts and perfect for a good party with some LIFE in this city!

3 people like this

review created on : 17 May 13

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