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Eerste van der Helststraat 70

Review and Rating by westie420uk

review created on : 30 Sep 08
  • 8.0
marijuana menu
  • 10.0
customer service
  • 10.0

A bit hard to find and a bit of a walk but deffo worth going

A bit outdated, but they were doing some work on the interio whilst i was there.
Marijuana menu: The black widw is awsome! Very strong smoke. The crystal clear was some of the best hash of the trip. Nothern lights haze, NYCD, colombian were top quality too, though the lavender was in the top 3 smokes of the trip! massive menu.
Service & staff: The staff were all cool sereved you with a smile.
Summary : A bit hard to find and a bit of a walk but deffo worth going. Some of the best weed of the whole trip & cheap prices too.

5 people like this

review created on : 30 Sep 08

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