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Global Chillage

Kerkstraat 51

Review and Rating by wakinyan

review created on : 20 Dec 07
  • 9.0
marijuana menu
  • 8.0
customer service
  • 8.0

It's my favourite coffeeshop in the whole city, like a home away from home

I loved the decor when it first opened in the 90s. i was there when they were finishing the murals; but lately i must say the decor has been needing a retouch. the music is brilliant. i even named my radio station after it:
Marijuana menu: a small menu but the weed and hash are very powerful with bundles of flavour, which will satisfy the pallette of the smoking conneseuir. get the orange bud, crystal lady and the shiva. mmm mmm good!!
Service & staff: it depends on who is working. the lady in the day shift is quiet and distant but she won't badger you to keep buying drinks like in some other c/s. they are very friendly and i once even met a wonderful dutch lady there whom i'll never forget!
Summary : It's my favourite coffeeshop in the whole city, like a home away from home. it's the place to smoke up the last bits of your weed before getting back to the airport/bus for the long schlepp home.

2 people like this

review created on : 20 Dec 07

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