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Hill Street Blues

Warmoesstraat 52a

Review and Rating by Lancelot

review created on : 10 Dec 03
  • 5.0
marijuana menu
  • 7.0
customer service
  • 7.0

This place could have it all

Not very attratctive on a cold winter day: the place looks rough because they don't seem to repair much. Not bad but not very thrilling either, except if you still kick on graffitti.
Marijuana menu: I had their mix weed which was good. Prices were okey, but prerolled are sold per 3, which is something not done in a cool relaxed coffeeshop.
Service & staff: English speaking and okey
Summary : This place could have it all. It already has the location, and the goods are good and not too expensive. But they could do with an interior redo. The music they played was exeptionaly well.

1 people like this

review created on : 10 Dec 03

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member since : 11 Jun 2003
from : Sint-Niklaas 431
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