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Coffeeshop 36

Warmoesstraat 36

Review and Rating by itson_wibble

review created on : 28 Jul 03
  • 10.0
marijuana menu
  • 8.0
customer service
  • 8.0

This is an excellent place, quite busy

Very nice place, in a pretty nasty location. Mind your head on the lights that hang down over the tables, I cracked my head once and laughed my ass off (stoned/uncontrolable) at somebody else doing it - they weren't very happy.
Marijuana menu: Nice weed, very smooth.
Service & staff: Very good, nice milkshakes, I still can't work out if it was the weed or whether the barmaid did get narky about asking if she could fill our bong from the tap behind the bar. They were fine the second time we went in.
Summary : This is an excellent place, quite busy. You need a key from behind the bar for the ladies. Very nice decor, very lived in, but good. We stayed in there for ages and nobody ever batted an eyelid. Excellent music, St Germain type music.

1 people like this

review created on : 28 Jul 03

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