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Green House East

Tolstraat 91

Review and Rating by Cat

review created on : 09 Apr 03
  • 8.0
marijuana menu
  • 5.0
customer service
  • 5.0

This is a nice place, bright enough, spacious, good seating

Nice place inside, enough room, not too crowded. Comfortable seats and nice and roomey atmosphere when well inside, but I didn't like the Metro-like metal passageblock that has to be opened by the staff when entering or leaving. Other than that, very nice?
Marijuana menu: I don't remember the menu here, I remember bumping into the passageblock before realising it had to be opened on exit as well, because the counter isn't on the inside of the shop.
Service & staff: They seemed stressed, but I didn't mind that. The annoyed look when I didn't understand I had to exit through the Metro-thing to go to the counter was a bit offputting though, but understandable.
Summary : This is a nice place, bright enough, spacious, good seating. If they removed the Metro-thing (with its metally, hard appearance) it would be great. But I'm really putting too much weight to the stupid thing :)

1 people like this

review created on : 09 Apr 03

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member since : 21 Mar 2003
from : Stockholm 549
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