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The Greenhouse Effect

Nieuwmarkt 14

Review and Rating by flashback96

review created on : 07 Nov 02
  • 6.0
marijuana menu
  • 9.0
customer service
  • 9.0

Although plagued by it's Warmeostraat location, I liked the Greenhouse Effect

We ducked into the bar on a soaking wet night to escape to crowds of crack 'eds. VERY chilled, loved it. Coffee shop has unusal long and thin layout, but we sat by the counter. Not very chilled, but good for a hard cane.
Marijuana menu: Some pretty low-quality weed offerings, but I liked Bio-effect. Lovely selection of hash, if a tad pricey. Himalya Cream was a good compormise between price and quality.
Service & staff: The dealer with the ginger hair was an absolute star, and he didn't mind us taking full advantage of the Volcano vapouriser, showing us how it worked. Nice drinks too.
Summary : Although plagued by it's Warmeostraat location, I liked the Greenhouse Effect. The hash selection got me super chilled. I'd recommend buying your gear and having a quick coffee in the actual shop, then moving to the chilled and friendly bar for a proper s????????? ?????????? ?????

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review created on : 07 Nov 02

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