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Review and Rating by bushdoc

review created on : 15 Jun 19
  • 9.0
  • 8.0
Facilities / Selection
  • 9.0
Would you return / puchase again?
  • 10.0
Recommend it to others?
  • 10.0

Top Shelf Canna experience

I'm normally not such a fan of pre-rolled joints... nor am I into "designer joints" that have either kief or concentrates mixed in. But that said, when I saw these beautiful artisanal hand rolled canna creations, I had to part with some of my hard earned bread to have one!

Now normally, big ass joints get a little too resinous for my liking and by the time you're half way through, it gets too sticky and oily and the flav and overall experience is affected. Not here. This joint all big and bad, certainly smokes like a fresh hit as it burns on down. You get big ass hits, and it doesn't get clogged or too disgusting after taking multiple hits on it. The flav was very fresh flowery actually, and makes for a nice food/alcohol pairing if you are having a special occasion.

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review created on : 15 Jun 19

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member since : 14 Dec 2001
from : Amsterdam Netherlands
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