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Grey Area

Oude Leliestraat 2

Review and Rating by Wilbur

review created on : 04 Jan 16
  • 7.8
marijuana menu
  • 9.0
customer service
  • 8.0
  • 8.5
  • 8.1
Overall score?
  • 8.8

The most crowded place in town

Getting to the counter in this extremely tiny but immensely popular shop is somewhat of an experience on it's own! If you are claustrofobic then don't go there. Only visited here once very recently and indeed was extremely satisfied by their Tangie offering. Need to investigate this one further for sure if I manage to face the cue. Might look for one of the other shops offering that DNA Genetics stuff though.

Went back today (11/1)... still super crowded but mentally better prepaired. Got some Shoreline - never had tried this strain before and liking it a lot.... Jodium on the nose and palate, very distinctive in taste. Very, very nice! What I have tasted so far from the Grey Area offerings really stands out quality wise! Though expensive (less so then Barney's) this shop only sells top gear!

1 people like this

review created on : 04 Jan 16

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