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Review and Rating by SmokeEatPlay

review created on : 22 Feb 15
  • 9.0
  • 7.0
  • 7.0
Shop Design / Packaging
  • 9.0
Samples / Testers
  • 8.0
Labelling / Information
  • 9.0
  • 8.5
Would you return / puchase again?
  • 9.0
Recommend it to others?
  • 9.0

cool, discreet product

I suffer from unknown joint pain that comes and goes. Possible restless leg syndrom or fybromyalgia - never diagnosed. I hate to ever use regular painkillers, so usually bear with it. Certain days are better and I can handle it, but others are just torture. I had a chance to try this spray from a friend who recommended it as a natural remedy for pain. 

I sprayed it under my tongue as per the instructions on the bottle - 3 sprays. It didnt taste of anything special (though I had a slightly congested nose so may have missed the flavor). My mouth felt slightly oily, but that was it. It doesnt taste good, it doesnt taste bad. 

After a while, I forgot about it. My friend, after 30 minutes asked me how am I doing in the pain department. I then realized that my joint pain has gone away. Don't know how, don't know when, but I am buying myself a small suply of this medicated anti-pain juice ;-) 


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review created on : 22 Feb 15

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