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Barney's Lounge

Reguliersgracht 27

Review and Rating by lucksoblazed

review created on : 08 Dec 11
  • 10.0
marijuana menu
  • 10.0
customer service
  • 10.0

10 out of 10 all day everyday

best in the dam, smart & trendy - comfy seats! nice mellow red/orange colours! the lighting is just right! tunes are not too loud and not too quiet! everything was perfect, could sit in here alllll day!
Marijuana menu: again! best in dam! i spent so much in here last weekend. liberty haze (11 cup winner)& tangerine dream (10 cup winner)are the ones to go for, both cured to perfection! i prefered the tangerine than the liberty haze..they have a massive menu! do no miss!!
Service & staff: everything about this gaff is perfect, helpfull and friendly staff assist you in choosing the right bud for you, they were happy to dicuss genetics of their own plants!
Summary : 10 out of 10 all day everyday! do not miss out on this cafe!

7 people like this

review created on : 08 Dec 11

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