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The Green Place

Kloveniersburgwal 4

Review and Rating by andrewpyrah

review created on : 03 Oct 11
  • 7.0
marijuana menu
  • 9.0
customer service
  • 9.0

If you want a strong weed or want to try out the famous strains from the USA, check out The Green Place!

A cross between a modern trendy bar and an arabic style lounge. Good mixture of music. With a smoking area in the back, with is comfortable but a not that well lit.
Marijuana menu: It\'s all about the kush. If I want a strong kush this is where I go. They often have a few different types of kush and other well known strains from the USA.
Service & staff: Good service overall, friendly knowledgeable staff.
Summary : If you want a strong weed or want to try out the famous strains from the USA, check out The Green Place!

6 people like this

review created on : 03 Oct 11

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member since : 03 Oct 2011
from : Amsterdam Netherlands
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