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Grey Area

Oude Leliestraat 2

Review and Rating by Tuckerborr

review created on : 27 Jan 10
  • 8.5
marijuana menu
  • 9.5
customer service
  • 9.0

all bout the weed here

tiny coffee shop 2 tables i think n stools along one wall. graffiti ridden walls but overall it gives off a real chilled welcomed vibe, get shot n chat . nuff said.
Marijuana menu: BUDS BUDS BUDS, great selection of weeds some only found here. Grey Haze, silver bubble and ak but alot was out of stock.
Service & staff: cool guys n they smoke weed like i do ..... alot. space cakes not bad for a 5er. we had a lil chat with these dudes, sound as a pound geeze.
Summary : all bout the weed here. great place to do just about anything. american owned

5 people like this

review created on : 27 Jan 10

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member since : 25 Jan 2010
from : Cambridgeshire 575
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