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Review and Rating by manxkhaos

review created on : 29 Dec 07
  • 8.0
marijuana menu
  • 7.0
customer service
  • 7.0

Not the most comfortable seating in the world but then again, this isn't an overly long stay coffeeshop by design or feel

A good vibe and clean enough inside. Not too dark and dingy by any stretch of the imagination. The staff were very friendly and filled me a bag from the Volcano with pleasure. Toilets worth a look if you are tripping!
Marijuana menu: Didn't really buy much from here to be entirely honest. We were well stocked up as we entered but we bought some nice drinks from the girls there.
Service & staff: Very friendly bar staff where nothing was too much of a hassle. I handed over a bag of Arabian Gold I scored from another shop and she vaped it for me and brought the bag over. Tip them decently and you get great service.
Summary : Not the most comfortable seating in the world but then again, this isn't an overly long stay coffeeshop by design or feel. Thoroughly enjoyed it all the same and am saddened to see it will bite the bullet in Mid 2008!!!

3 people like this

review created on : 29 Dec 07

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member since : 29 Dec 2007
from : Onchan 575
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