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Barney's Lounge

Reguliersgracht 27

Review and Rating by bushdoc

review created on : 07 Oct 07
  • 9.0
marijuana menu
  • 9.0
customer service
  • 9.0

Great design makes this a very unique cs in a really nice location just south of Rembrandtplein on the canal

I was shocked to see how the former Jamaica (dank little spot that it was) was transformed into such a cutting edge designed "boutique" coffeeshop! Barney's Lounge is "klein maar fijn" (small but nice). The place looks like it jumped out of a deco mag!
Marijuana menu: The same top menu as the first Barney's. Prices are at the top-end but worth it. At the lounge (compared to big Barney's) there is not as much of a rush to make your purchase so you have time to look at all of the great strains they keep in stock.
Service & staff: The staff here are a bit more laidback than the normal Barney's cos there are less people they have to deal with.
Summary : Great design makes this a very unique cs in a really nice location just south of Rembrandtplein on the canal. With not too many people filling the place up on a normal weekday, this is "the place to chill" in the Barney's chain.

3 people like this

review created on : 07 Oct 07

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member since : 14 Dec 2001
from : Amsterdam Netherlands
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