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Grey Area

Oude Leliestraat 2

Review and Rating by prinzchen

review created on : 11 Jul 04
  • 8.5
marijuana menu
  • 10.0
customer service
  • 10.0

Grey Area hast got perhaps the best atmosphere from all Coffeeshops and definately the best Bongs (JBD) in town.

Grey Area is probably the smallest Coffeeshop in Town, the chairs are not cofortable and sometimes its very crowded, but that doesnt matter. GA has an amazing unique atmosphere, different from all the others.
Marijuana menu: Each gram of Weed just 7.50 €, and every strain is so unique, so perfectly cured and good tasting. "Yellow Cab", "Greyberry"and "Grey Mist" are more than worth the price!
Service & staff: Wicked, friendly guy with good music taste and a "loss of short-term memory excuse" ;-)
Summary : Grey Area hast got perhaps the best atmosphere from all Coffeeshops and definately the best Bongs (JBD) in town.

1 people like this

review created on : 11 Jul 04

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