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Rusland 16

Review and Rating by coolbilly

review created on : 05 Jul 03
  • 8.0
marijuana menu
  • 7.0
customer service
  • 7.0

A little bit off the beaten track but well worth the walk and the milk and yoghurt shakes were great

Quite comfortable, but mind the wire to the television upstairs (corner seat, you'll know it). Steps a bit steep when stoned & carrying two drinks, so the wife told me.
Marijuana menu: Nice Desert Bud, lots of crystals on it and went very nice and crumbly, made you very thirsty, just as well we liked the shakes.
Service & staff: Nice young ladies behind the counter, service good according to the wife, I had to sit down a lot.
Summary : A little bit off the beaten track but well worth the walk and the milk and yoghurt shakes were great! Nice display of pipes on the way to the loo, according to the wife.

3 people like this

review created on : 05 Jul 03

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