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Otherside (the)

Reguliersdwarsstraat 6

Review and Rating by prinzchen

review created on : 12 May 03
  • 8.0
marijuana menu
  • 5.0
customer service
  • 5.0

Really nice People there, old ladies, young mothers, british families (hoho).

The Atmosphere was in my opinion ( I am not a gay) smooth, neat und clean -not so hippiestyle-it existed only one toilet without a lock.. But don`t mind -> all in all good
Marijuana menu: Hmmm, the White Widow was not the same like the Greenhouse WW, but the only special point on the menu was "Crystal" and really friendlytrippy... But nothing REALLY special in the Menu.
Service & staff: The guy was really nice and give, if you want, a description of his favourite sorts...
Summary : Really nice People there, old ladies, young mothers, british families (hoho).. and things like that

2 people like this

review created on : 12 May 03

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