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Review and Rating by mrshyt

review created on : 08 May 03
  • 4.0
marijuana menu
  • 5.0
customer service
  • 5.0

Don't know why this place is so hyped really

Nothing special really. Quite small, average levels of comfort, just tables and chairs. No match for others.
Marijuana menu: Big selection, quite famous, but again, nothing too special. Pre rolled blunts are not worth the money.
Service & staff: Didn't like the guys serving us on both occasions. One of them was pissed off that we ordered a cappucino during summer, just cos he spilt the steamed milk all over himself.
Summary : Don't know why this place is so hyped really. It's very plain and very average, don't go out of your way to visit, but if you do, then make sure you visit the famous hash coffeeshop just around the corner, that place is better.

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review created on : 08 May 03

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