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Noon (the)

Zieseniskade 22

Review and Rating by Diamond

review created on : 05 Jan 03
  • 8.0
marijuana menu
  • 7.0
customer service
  • 7.0

What may have been just a freak occurance with my purchase kind of cast a cloud over a coffeeshop with potential, my advice is c

Long sofa with small pillows, small and cozy
Marijuana menu: Good skunks, extensive ice-o-later menu, quiet pricey though the value isnt all there
Service & staff: I purchased the third strongest ice-o-later on the menu, I got crumbled hash, the high didnt come close to other ice-o-later, very disappointing
Summary : What may have been just a freak occurance with my purchase kind of cast a cloud over a coffeeshop with potential, my advice is chill here with your own stuff cause you might get skanked!

1 people like this

review created on : 05 Jan 03

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member since : 05 Jan 2003
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