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Dampkring (de)

Handboogstraat 29

Review and Rating by Bellybutton

review created on : 11 Nov 02
  • 10.0
marijuana menu
  • 10.0
customer service
  • 10.0

Love the decor! My favorite coffeeshop. Too crowded sometimes, but there's a reason for it. Go there just to buy the quality

Love the decor! My favorite coffeeshop. Too crowded sometimes, but there's a reason for it. Go there just to buy the quality weed even if you can't get a seat. Friendly staff. It's the first place I visit whenever I go.
Marijuana menu: The best organicallly grown selection in town. Try Buddha's Sister. It is the perfect weed, in my opinion. Very smooth and flavorful toke, fruity aroma, clear and cerebral high without burnout and an incredible body stone that lasted for hours????????? ?????????� ????????????????????�???????????????????????????????????????W?? ????????????????? ??�??????????????????
Service & staff: Very friendly guy behind the weed counter.
Summary :

3 people like this

review created on : 11 Nov 02

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member since : 11 Nov 2002
from : Levittown 564
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