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Bulldog (the)

Singel 1

Review and Rating by slap

review created on : 09 May 02
  • 3.0
marijuana menu
  • 5.0
customer service
  • 5.0

Was a sunny day, we chilled outside, so it was very dark when we came in.I can't exactly remember how it looked but it wasn't th

Was a sunny day, we chilled outside, so it was very dark when we came in.I can't exactly remember how it looked but it wasn't that great.
Marijuana menu: Don't know. Didn't buy anything myself, was still stoned from some other shops I don't want to mention here.
Service & staff: Heavy-Metal Guy. Didn't notice him really.
Summary :

1 people like this

review created on : 09 May 02

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member since : 09 May 2002
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