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Vijzelgracht 47 kelder

Review and Rating by JoyBoy

review created on : 01 May 02
  • 6.0
marijuana menu
  • 6.5
customer service
  • 6.5

Not really in an especially appealing area, though not in a bad part of town

I had walked past this place a couple times without even noticing it. It's a smallll basement club just downstairs from the sidewalk. Don't bump your head. Not a place I would hang, and I didn't.
Marijuana menu: Bought the pure PP pre-rolled (7 euros) to blow at the hotel the next morning before catching the airport shuttle. Not bad, but we'd had much better during our stay.
Service & staff: Courteous, correct.
Summary : Not really in an especially appealing area, though not in a bad part of town. Just a block north of the Weteringschans circle convenient to the few hotels by the Heineken Brewery.

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review created on : 01 May 02

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