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Wolkewietje - CLOSED 2004

Kolksteeg 1a

Review and Rating by stoned_guy_in_los_angeles

review created on : 11 Jan 02
  • 7.0
marijuana menu
  • 8.0
customer service
  • 8.0

Best part about this place: IT OPENS EARLY

Smallest coffeeshop I have been in. Cramped and warm, but a lot of places to sit.
Marijuana menu: Limited selection of mostly weed. Quality stuff, pre-packaged. White Widow was superb.
Service & staff: Firendly. However the staff tended to be busy with locals who knew them, so some times it is hard for a out-of-towner to get their attention.
Summary : Best part about this place: IT OPENS EARLY. About 7 am, which is great for those with trans-atlantic flights that land at 6 am in the morning.

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review created on : 11 Jan 02

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