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Pink Floyd

Haarlemmerstraat 42

Review and Rating by Lizard

review created on : 28 Dec 01
  • 4.0
marijuana menu
  • 7.0
customer service
  • 7.0

Now I'm not a big Pink Floyd fan... the decor is alright... BUT... the music has to go... too loud and too old... I mean Phil Co

Now I'm not a big Pink Floyd fan... the decor is alright... BUT... the music has to go... too loud and too old... I mean Phil Colins as one point, so loud we were shouting to each other. Plenty of space though and always friendly.
Marijuana menu: Plenty of good strains and quite often some discounted deals.
Service & staff: Good food and a very friendly English girl made my day here complete.
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review created on : 28 Dec 01

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member since : 24 Dec 2001
from : Wellingborough 575
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