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Review and Rating by GG

review created on : 18 Dec 01

If you like the stoners way of lounging, you're at the right place to hang out.

Rock the boat, gently though. A real stoners place. I felt to awake for this type of place. In the summer it seemed quite nice to lay back in the sunshine on the top of the smok'n ship.
Marijuana menu: Nice, but nothing "wow". And i'm convinced that i smelled something more then just resin and plant-parts in my hash ?!
Service & staff: Service ? The guy kept smiling at me, but i wasn't very sure why. Maybe the smokey area got to his head.
Summary : If you like the stoners way of lounging, you're at the right place to hang out.

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review created on : 18 Dec 01

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member since : 10 Dec 2001
from : Amsterdam 518
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