SmokersGuide Event Profile

Mastah Concentrate Series Downtown Toronto

Sunday 31 January 2016


The Beard Brothers have stepped up to face off against the second place winner of The Karma Cup #1. Both artists have different techniques ensuring a wide variety of samples to taste and judge!

All judges recieve a stack of chips upon arriving, and its up to them how to give them out. Competitor with the highest stack after 3 hours wins a ‪#‎MCS‬ Trophy.
Cost: $20 + $5 Lounge membership.

The Beard Brothers can not make it in person, so they have asked MastahRolla to dabtend for them. With the second place winner remaining in the shadows allowing Errlectric Dave to dabtend for them.


Next scheduled dates:

January 31st in Downtown Toronto
February 4th in Durham Region.
February 11th or 12th at a Toronto location. 
February 17th in the Hamilton area.


Extractors get in contact if you want to compete for any of the following dates/areas. If you are out of town don't worry! We will be making our way around Ontario over the next few weeks!

PM Mastah at for location details.


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