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Review and Rating by GeoKing848

review created on : 23 Apr 12
  • 9.0
marijuana menu
  • 8.0
customer service
  • 8.0

Good music, Bomba joints good for price, those little chocolates given with coffee is nice treat.

Best decor in AMS, top layout of seating and even the coasters work with the setting. Bar is great style and the sound of coffee being made / espresso I think / is great.
Marijuana menu: Top Shelf, only greenhouse and Barney\'s is more quality. OMG the Cheese! And the Crystal is excellent. Always have extensive bio weit and did I mention the mind altering, leg twisting Cheese available.
Service & staff: What more can I say, I left my bag with notes on the weit written down for only 5 words before I lost the train of thought, tender called me down the street and returned my book... Thanks. Barely made it to the hotel room, not for 1st timers.
Summary : Good music, Bomba joints good for price, those little chocolates given with coffee is nice treat.

3 people like this

review created on : 23 Apr 12

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