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Green House Namaste

Waterlooplein 345

Review and Rating by SmokeEatPlay

review created on : 20 Jun 11
  • 10.0
marijuana menu
  • 9.0
customer service
  • 9.0

I like to come to this shop every time I am in the area

Perfect decor for me. Intimate and out of the way of crowds of people. It was nice to rest on the couches and the music was good.
Marijuana menu: Expensive with many known names. lots of people popping in and out of the shop just to visit the hash bar.
Service & staff: Nice guy behind the bar. He was very busy the whole time we were there.
Summary : I like to come to this shop every time I am in the area. Good location and good selection of beverages. I remember the time when they still sold beer and it was even better!

2 people like this

review created on : 20 Jun 11

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member since : 20 Jun 2011
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