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Pink Floyd

Haarlemmerstraat 42

Review and Rating by stoneygriffin

review created on : 17 Jun 11
  • 8.0
marijuana menu
  • 7.0
customer service
  • 7.0

A very kick back environment with lots of cool people and plenty of tributes to rock bands in the form of album covers on the wa

A very kick back environment with lots of cool people and plenty of tributes to rock bands in the form of album covers on the walls.
Marijuana menu: the Buddha Sativa from Pink Floyd. This was a nice clean smoke with a flavor and scent resembling the Bubble Gum from Barneys but pushing more towards a fruit flavored type bubble gum.
Service & staff: Service was quick and friendly.
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2 people like this

review created on : 17 Jun 11

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