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N.Z. Voorburgwal 59

Review and Rating by Tuckerborr

review created on : 27 Jan 10
  • 3.0
marijuana menu
  • 2.0
customer service
  • 2.0

no one that really knows amsterdam goes here more than once

probly one of the first coffee shops you can see coming from central station, however probly not the first one you want to go in. this place looks cool with a big red button to press for the menu but thats all its got goin for it really.
Marijuana menu: i refused to buy from this tourist trap. a friend got ripped off on some Purple Sensi (1g for like 15euro)lol the darkest bullshit iv ever seen, it stunk of shit and i was ashamed of him for smokin it. what an amature!!
Service & staff: the staff didnt bother tellin us bout the weed they just took our money, the drinks where so over priced i shared a coke with a buddy, then left.
Summary : no one that really knows amsterdam goes here more than once. lol when i was there some guy dropped a tray of like 6 coffees all over the floor. lol almost made it worth goin there... but not really.

4 people like this

review created on : 27 Jan 10

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member since : 25 Jan 2010
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