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Moved to Barentszstraat 130

Review and Rating by Lancelot2

review created on : 26 Jun 04
  • 9.0
marijuana menu
  • 4.0
customer service
  • 4.0

Favourite hangout of my Liverpool mate Moonjuice420, and I have to agree with him there..

Perfect setting on a Warmoesstraat corner. Looks huge from the outside, but the inside proves it to be smaller as one would expect. Nice Indian decor. Makes you feel you're on a cloud already.
Marijuana menu: Good menu but average quality.
Service & staff: The lady behind the counter should learn how to smile but the service was good. Guess you won't get more than what you payed for in this place.
Summary : Favourite hangout of my Liverpool mate Moonjuice420, and I have to agree with him there... if I can bring my weed from elsewhere.

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review created on : 26 Jun 04

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