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Oude Leliestraat 2

Review and Rating by dorsey

review created on : 22 Aug 03
  • 8.0
marijuana menu
  • 10.0
customer service
  • 10.0

After hearing so much about this place in the States, I was worried about a letdown once I got there

Not much to it but I didn't go there to admire the decor. I would have liked to hang out for a bit to get a feel for the place but it wasn't gonna happen. August in Amsterdam? Forget about getting a seat.
Marijuana menu: Not a huge selection but what they did have was all top-notch. The Bubblegum did me just fine...Not too heavy, just a very pleasant high.
Service & staff: All I have read about all over the web is how rude and poor the service is here, especially from the notorious "Bald Guy". I didn't get any of that from him or anyone else there for that matter. Retail is retail, even in a coffeeshop in Amsterdam.
Summary : After hearing so much about this place in the States, I was worried about a letdown once I got there. I didn't happen and I'll be back on my next trip to the 'dam. Next time though I won't be stupid enough to go during the height of tourist season. Spring????????? ?????????� ????????????????????�???????????????????????????????????????W??

1 people like this

review created on : 22 Aug 03

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