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Huidenstraat 13a

Review and Rating by viking

review created on : 23 Jun 03
  • 8.0
marijuana menu
  • 9.0
customer service
  • 9.0

My friend said we just had to go here so he could buy some more Ice-X

Didn't get past the front of the shop, but it looked like a nice place to hang out in.
Marijuana menu: Their presentation of weed and hash under glass countertop is nice, better than just reading a menu. Purchased their Ice-X nederhash and was very pleased. Good tasting and nice effect.
Service & staff: Was there on a slow day in March 2003 and a very nice woman waited on me and my friend. She was polite and friendly to us, even though it must have been obvious we'd already been toking.
Summary : My friend said we just had to go here so he could buy some more Ice-X. Glad we did, as I also enjoyed it! The nice dealer lady gently asked us if we were prepared for such a strong ice hash (we were!) and I found her concern for her customers to be a pos????????? ?????????� ???????????????????

1 people like this

review created on : 23 Jun 03

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