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Ballonnetje (het)

Roetersstraat 12

Review and Rating by MichielDeMan

review created on : 19 May 03
  • 7.0
marijuana menu
  • 7.0
customer service
  • 7.0

They used a lot of wood as building material, which gives a natural and quiet atmosphere. They also got a nice place with tables

They used a lot of wood as building material, which gives a natural and quiet atmosphere. They also got a nice place with tables and benches on the street.
Marijuana menu: They got an average menu with cheap, for if you have a low budget, and expensive weed, for the weekend chillouts.
Service & staff: There are some nice people working in 'het Ballonnetje'. They have never asked for my ID (I'm not yet 18 years old)
Summary :

4 people like this

review created on : 19 May 03

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member since : 16 May 2003
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