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St. Antoniesbreestraat 71

Review and Rating by ucboy

review created on : 30 Dec 02
  • 2.0
marijuana menu
  • 10.0
customer service
  • 10.0

we were in the afternoon in the bluebird and it already was very crowded and hard to get some seats. it's a high frequented sho

the sound was really bad only old hits from the 80's wurgh the decor and the seats were cool and also the view over the antoniestraat and alle the people after a heavy blunt is great.
Marijuana menu: it's a real book! the variety was alsmost unbelieveable :) i chose thai gold that wasn't best but it was my last money so i needed a cheap weed. a friend of me had a very good weed called " sensi warz"
Service & staff: the staff was really friendly
Summary : we were in the afternoon in the bluebird and it already was very crowded and hard to get some seats. it's a high frequented shop mostly because of their variety

2 people like this

review created on : 30 Dec 02

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