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Utrechtsestraat 21

Review and Rating by GreekDoc

review created on : 07 Dec 02
  • 7.0
marijuana menu
  • 5.0
customer service
  • 5.0

I have been here many times, as it has a nice location

Nice cozy and VERY clean, if a bit small.
Marijuana menu: Adequate menu. I tried their Bubblegum, but was disappointed though, especially as it wasn't cheap...
Service & staff: The girl and guy working there were very friendly, but the owner lady was very strict and just above rude, didn't like her at all.
Summary : I have been here many times, as it has a nice location. I will try more of their menu and hope the Bubblegum dissapointment does not apply to the rest of their stuff.

2 people like this

review created on : 07 Dec 02

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