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La Tertulia

Prinsengracht 312

Review and Rating by daha

review created on : 06 Dec 02
  • 9.0
marijuana menu
  • 8.0
customer service
  • 8.0

La Tertulia is quaint and well worth a visit for an afternoon chill.

Great small, local shop with terrace for when its nice out (which is of course never in Amsterdam). The tables are a little small, but there is a waterfall and pond and the atmosphere definately makes up for it.
Marijuana menu: A little pricey, but the quality is good so its understandable. There isn't a huge selection but its definately worth checking out and buying from them.
Service & staff: Great service and delicious shakes.
Summary : La Tertulia is quaint and well worth a visit for an afternoon chill.

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review created on : 06 Dec 02

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