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Cum Laude

Langebrugsteeg 7a

Review and Rating by daha

review created on : 06 Dec 02
  • 7.0
marijuana menu
  • 7.0
customer service
  • 7.0

This is a small shop located just around the corner from the Universiteit van Amsterdam and not far from Dam Square

Small, cramped downstairs with only a table or two but a real chill room is located upstairs.
Marijuana menu: Nothing too exciting - but they do have a special every 8 days for really good prices.
Service & staff: Again, nothing exceptional, but not incredibly rude.
Summary : This is a small shop located just around the corner from the Universiteit van Amsterdam and not far from Dam Square. It's worth checking out while in the area, but its not worth making a special trip to go there.

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review created on : 06 Dec 02

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