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Noon (the)

Zieseniskade 22

Review and Rating by Greg

review created on : 05 Dec 02
  • 9.0
marijuana menu
  • 9.0
customer service
  • 9.0

This was my first stop, and one of my top three coffeeshops, along with Barney's and Rokerij

Easy wheelchair access after they moved door stop! Very laid back atmosphere, lots of locals. Cool candles. Music was Euro MTV. Very clean restroom also wheelchair accessible.
Marijuana menu: I tried Snow White, White Melon and of course Blueberry weeds and Master Noon and Honey hash, as well as Blueberry Skuff and Blueberry Ice. The Blueberry and Master Noon are top notch!
Service & staff: Excellent and VERY friendly. Mahmoud and Rein became more than dealers in my two weeks there, we became friends. They were very helpful, polite and totally cool. Mahmoud and I smoked a joint of Blueberry with a gram of Honey hash mixed in the day I left!
Summary : This was my first stop, and one of my top three coffeeshops, along with Barney's and Rokerij. The Blueberry is great, the dealers are cool, the hot chocolate is excellent and the locals are friendly...what more could you want?

1 people like this

review created on : 05 Dec 02

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