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Hill Street Blues

Warmoesstraat 52a

Review and Rating by matt

review created on : 30 Nov 02
  • 9.0
marijuana menu
  • 6.0
customer service
  • 6.0

come on it might just be me but WHY CANT ENGLAND BE LIKE THIS .

well as my first time in amsterdam i found this coffeeshop to be amazing ... i no alot of you have slated this place but really it conbines young and old. its decor is perfect after a couple of spliffs .. the vibe was good low music and a smoky atmospher
Marijuana menu: well the menu was a bit expensive and well ... a bit small. BUT ......... the green was good and the hash was spot on i couldnt be more happy sitting in there smoking on some hill steet special ..
Service & staff: the staff are really nice and happy they just want you to have a good time .
Summary : come on it might just be me but WHY CANT ENGLAND BE LIKE THIS .. i would really consider going back and making a nite of it... any 1 from southampton angland would love this place it total out of the norm JUST GIVE IT A TRY ... peace out ......matt .c

1 people like this

review created on : 30 Nov 02

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member since : 30 Nov 2002
from : southampton 575
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