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Blues Brothers (the)

Nieuwendijk 89

Review and Rating by dopechild

review created on : 13 Nov 02
  • 7.0
marijuana menu
  • 7.0
customer service
  • 7.0

pretty cool cafe and was close to the hostel i was staying in

the lights were good but it always seemed very empty upstairs. big windows so u hade a good view of the street.
Marijuana menu: they had some good award winning dope, the blueberry was very cool. not a large selection though.
Service & staff: the guy that served us our dope was very cool and he was a 'Rage Against the Machine' fan which deserves alot of respect!
Summary : pretty cool cafe and was close to the hostel i was staying in. i was pretty pissed off when they told me they had ran out of jack daniels!

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review created on : 13 Nov 02

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