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Eerste van der Helststraat 70

Review and Rating by sw20

review created on : 19 Oct 02
  • 8.0
marijuana menu
  • 9.0
customer service
  • 9.0

Visited twice on this trip, but each time it was too full to stop

Hippy style, very cosy but a bit small.
Marijuana menu: Crystal clear - very expensive for what you get, very difficult to get off celophane, Tip- use a piece of super nepal to pull it off, It Works!! (better off stuck to the nepal than the celophane!) Super Nepal very nice & SS Haze Pearl also.
Service & staff: Very friendly staff, welcoming.
Summary : Visited twice on this trip, but each time it was too full to stop. Will definitely be going back as the takeaway was excellent. A bit hard to find, but is near the Albert Cupy street market which was sign posted in town.

5 people like this

review created on : 19 Oct 02

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